Monday, February 1, 2016

Into The Country

We had an early morning flight to Heho airport near Inle Lake.  This has become a very popular tourist destination because of its picturesque setting. 

Our hotel is on the edge of town.  The rooms are free standing structures over the water.  Over the bridge is a dirt road town lined with shops and open air restaurants.  Motorcycles rule the streets since they can purchase Chinese models for $600.  There are also lots of farm vehicles since this is a major farming region, growing sugar cane, all types of vegetables, coffee, tea, etc. 

Our group walked into town for lunch at a restaurant run by a French expat aptly named The French Touch.  The owner has also made a movie that runs nightly for free.  The food was gorgeous!

We had our second critique of the trip after lunch.  They get less and less gentle as the trip progresses.  We also get instructions on how to improve our work.

After class we had time to roam this bustling little village.  Open air shops line the streets selling food and wares.  Long boats line the canal leading to the lake and they are more than happy to take tourists for a ride.  Dogs are prevalent too since it appears they do not practice neutering.  This is the Myanmar I was expecting. There's even an open air skating rink!

We had a group dinner in the hotel.  It was served family style on traditional long oval platters.  Delicious !

Tomorrow: A walk with the elephants

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