Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A few loose ends

There are several things I failed to mention in my previous posts that are essential in understanding Myanmar.  Here are a few:

-The women wear a white substance made from a tree called thanaka.  It is used both as a skin softener and a lightener/sunscreen.  It's also used on the children.

-During British rule, vehicles drove on the left side of the road.  During military rule this was switched to the right side.  However, most cars still have the steering wheel on the right side which makes for an even more adventurous ride.  New cars will be brought in with left hand drive steering in the future.

-The Shan cuisine which was primarily what we ate is very rice and noodle heavy.

-While Myanmar is a poor country, it is also quite safe.

-Plastic furniture (think kids' furniture) rules the street side vendors

-Each family strives to erect at least one shrine to the Buddha which explains why you find them everywhere.

-Motorcycles are banned in Yagon which helps to contribute to the crazy traffic.

-The new government was installed while we were there. Hopefully, their new found democracy will lead them back to a prosperity they haven't seen since before British rule.


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