Monday, January 25, 2016

Halfway Across the World

We're heading out very early tomorrow for a photographic trip to Myanmar.  You might be more familiar with the name it was known before the Military changed it in 1989: Burma.  A country rich in natural resources (jewels, petroleum), Burma was once a very wealthy nation with most of its citizens having a high level of literacy and standard of living.  However, as part of the colonization by Britain, the citizens lost much their wealth and have never really regained it.  

Myanmar has been in the news recently because they held truly independent elections in 2015 and the National League for Democracy won in a landslide. It looks like the Military rule will be coming to an end soon.  Myanmar, it is a changing!

Our photography travel group chose this as their winter destination and we signed up immediately.  This is an area of the world we have not had the chance to explore and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  We also had a cold weather theme for our 2015 travels (see Iceland and Antarctica) and wanted to try to reverse this trend.  We're expecting weather in the 70's and 80's and it should remain very dry.

The worst part of the trip (we hope) will be the journey getting there.  We'll be on planes for almost 22 hours by the time we land in Yangon.  They are 12 1/2 hours ahead of us (not sure what the deal is with the 1/2 hour, but when in Rome) so we'll be a little like the baby who gets his days and nights confused.  Hopefully the excitement of the trip we snap us into the new time zone with little issues so we can hit the ground running.

Next: We made it to Asia

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