Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Forced Downtime

 Myanmar is literally halfway around the world.  Our journey started way too early with a first flight to Chicago.  Korean Air is a wonderful airline that makes it relatively painless to get there.  Our 13 1/2 hour flight path to Seoul took us up over Canada, the North Pole (yep, got to check that one off!), Russia and China, avoiding their northern neighbor and all his looneyness.  It also included 2 full meals, several snacks, 2 movies, some shut-eye, 2 books finished and lots of 'together' time.

The Seoul airport looks like one of our upscale shopping malls with outposts of some of your favorite luxury brands.  They appear to be on schedule for their Olympics hosting duties in 2 years(hello Rio, you need to step up your game).  We happened in on one of their 'cultural demos' consisting of a parade down the airport hallways of natives costumed in traditional garb.  Maybe Tulsa should try to boost their tourism with some kind of Cowboy/Indian demo daily!  

A relative short (6 1/2 hour flight) brought us into Yangon around midnight.  Oh, and did I mention that Korea is 15 hours ahead but Myanmar is only 12 1/2 hours ahead?  I guess military rule allows you to mess with time! 

Tomorrow: We hit the ground running

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